Osho Dynamic Meditation October 10th

October 10th 6.10am - 7.10am

Join Hannah on this special portal day, the 10th of the 10th for a dynamic Osho Meditation.

The 10th of the 10th is an Energy Portal of Abundance, opening a gateway of energies, strengthening your abilities to transform.

Take this journey into Self.

Join us on this special day 10th of the 10th, the Energy Portal of Abundance, opening a gateway of energies, strengthening your abilities to transform.

A cosmic alignment of the 10th day and 10th month intertwine to form an energetic doorway into higher realms of consciousness. This is a day to embrace the dynamic waves of love, peace and freedom.

This doorway of energies is coming to assist you in accomplishing absolutely anything your heart truly desires, deserves and was born at this time to achieve.

The 10:10 Portal requires an openness to change, to again work on releasing the ego and living in the NOW, the present moment. It’s a wonderful time to let go of density, to vibe higher, the higher we vibe, the greater the shifts.

A Stargate portal of cosmic energies into different dimensions, activating your latent DNA to function at it's optimal levels. The power to heal and transform is already within you, overthinking needs to be removed and replace with an altered perception of joy, bliss and laughter. The energies will bring us into greater union with each other, coming together as an awakened collective is happening!

Osho Dynamic meditation is one of the most famous active meditations created by Osho. This meditation aims to move stagnant energy and break conditioned patterns in the body-mind that keeps one imprisoned in the past. This is a fast and intense meditation that allows the practitioner to experience the freedom, the witnessing, silence and peace that are hidden behind those prison walls.

Dynamic meditation is meant to be done in the early morning, when “the whole of nature becomes alive, the night has gone, the sun is coming up and everything becomes conscious and alert.”

Though this meditation can be done alone, but the best is to do with the group. This is one of those meditations that the practitioner should do constantly to feel the healing.

Dynamic Meditation consists of 5 stages.

1st stage: BREATHING!

Rapidly in and out through the nose, let the breathing be intense and chaotic. The breath should move deeply into the lungs. Breathe vigorously and change the rhythm. Do this as totally as you possibly can, without tightening up your body. Continue on, until you literally become the breathing, allowing breath to be chaotic. Avoid a repetitive or systematic breath pattern. Once your energy is building, it will begin to move your body. Allow these body movements to be there. Use them to raise even more energy. Moving your arms and body in a natural way will help your energy to rise. Feel your energy building up.

Be total, give everything and never slow down.

2nd stage: EXPLODE!

Let your body take over. Loose control. Give your body freedom to express, whatever is there. Let go of everything that needs to be thrown out. Go totally mad. …Sing, scream, laugh, shout, cry, jump, shake, dance, kick, and throw yourself around. Hold nothing back, keep your whole body moving. A little acting often helps to get you started. Never allow your mind to interfere with what is happening. Remember to be total with your body.

3rd stage: JUMP!

Shoulders and neck relaxed, raise both arms high above the head without locking the elbows. With raised arms, jump up and down shouting the mantra HOO…HOO…HOO HOO…HOO….from the bottom of your belly. Jump in such a way, that you land on the flats of your feet, and the heels touch the ground. Each time you land on your feet, let the sound hammer deep into the sex centre. Give all you have. Exhaust yourself completely.

4th stage: STOP!!

Wherever you are, in whatever position you find yourself. Remain silent just like a rock. In that moment of silence and stoppage, energy will be there. Don’t arrange the body in any form, a cough, a movement, anything will dissipate the energy flow and your effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that is happening to you.

5th stage: CELEBRATE!…

Express whatsoever is there, dance, move, enjoy!

The Benefits of Dynamic Meditation

  • Release Emotional Blockages
  • Boost Your Immune System
  • Reduces stress
  • Expand the Lung Capacity
  • Helps with addictions
  • Benefit Cardiovascular Health
  • Body and Mind purification
  • Increases the longevity and resilience
  • Improves concentration
  • Lower cortisol levels

Course Details

Date: October 10th
Time: 6:10am until 7:10am
Location: cSpace.au, Bulli
Capacity: Limited to 10 participants for an intimate and personalised experience

Please bring your own yoga mat or a towel. And your wonderful self.

Hi I’m Hannah and I have been an active Vipassana mediator for over 14 years I have come to realise that we also need to release emotions somatically.

7 years ago in Germany I was introduced to Osho Dynamic Mediation and instantly fell in love with the technique. I whole heartedly believe that it brings the body into alignment working with the subconscious mind to release traumatic emotions from the body.

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